Green Living

Better Living For Everyone

Our Vision

Green Living provides a community and co-living experience for kind, proactive, positive people, interested solution creators, with shared values of integrity, trust, collaboration. We inspire, unite and activate humans on the path of personal and professional growth; joyful, holistic, purposeful lives; based on well-being and positive impact. Levelling up: improving ourselves, improving the world.

We live consciously and intentionally, growing in purpose and developing in body, mind, heart and capabilities. We are building community; People who want to LevelUp with real connections, fostering beautiful, healthy, sustainable living spaces in harmony with nature.

Our purpose & raison d'être

Moving Ahead

People services: improving people’s lives everywhere by building human agency with conscious decision-making & Levelling Up activities to create the best possible world for the next 7 generations to come. Our mission is to inspire, empower, encourage, and create healthy, beautiful, and sustainable communities.

Real estate solutions: living, working, and creating in beautiful, healthy, sustainable, inspiring environments (apartments, houses, office spaces, educational spaces)

Regenerative village: co-living between city and nature (with less than a 30-minute drive to the center of major cities & cultural hubs). Experience beautiful, healthy, sustainable places, connected with nature, and dedicated to creating real-life solutions, making a difference for people in the physical world.

Sustainable products: promotion of sustainable products and services to meet our needs today, and an inspiring catalyst for a more sustainable future tomorrow.

It’s no surprise that many people feel stressed, anxious, and isolated in our current ecosystems and realities. Society is fragmented and polarised, generation-divided, and living more unhealthy and unsustainable lifestyles than ever before. It’s time to cancel the rush hour and bring balance back to ourselves, our families, society, in harmony with and nature.

Our Goals

Providing the world and our community with the best knowledge, tools, products, training, experiences and spaces to keep growing, exploring, learning and improving.

Join our journey to be more YOU!

Team & faces behind the mission​

Us; Co-creating. With you.